Insecurity Advertisements

Posted: June 24, 2014 in Uncategorized
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Way too many advertisements pluck away at our insecurities. I think that’s the biggest reason why people hate themselves. We’re told we are supposed to have nice skin just because Jessica Biel does or whore is currently under contract with the “Splash some water on your face” acne cream commercials. I don’t think Jessica Biel works anymore. I think her career went downhill when someone finally saw one of her movies and was like “Hey, that’s not very good.”


(Watch out Jessica! The 1930s Dust Bowl is behind you! Grab your pants)

It’s a very sleazy way to advertise your product. Some are more subtle than others. Like Wendy’s always make it seem like you’re a loser if you don’t have friends to eat heart-attack food with. Most of the time I have meals with other people it has something to do with dying. Either it’s a funeral, an anniversary of a death, or someone in the corner is choking.


(How does a woman who behaves like this always have so many friends to grab a meal with? Oh right because she’s playful with her food and mimics oral sex with it. Being a woman is so easy!)

The worst ones are the advertisements that make sure believe we need surgery to be normal. What is normal anyway? George Bush was supposedly a C student. That’s average. So the average person is a millionaire oil tycoon who once owned the Texas Rangers. How does that make me feel? Not very good.

The real key I find as I grow older is to be insecure only for the sake of being aware. Insecurities are only a problem when they destroy your security with living an average, or as we have learned George Bush, life. Everyone has something gross on their bodies. Even more people have something gross on their face (usually their giant noses). Whatever you are insecure about let it be and don’t buy a facial cream, Subway sandwich, or gun to solve it.

  1. rossmurray1 says:

    Something something Beil-ieve you something.

  2. samokan says:

    In my side of the world, majority of the advertisement deals with whitening things. It seems that being fair-skinned is supposed to be beautiful. It’s really both funny and pitiful to see some individuals with unnaturally white face and the rest of her is brown.

  3. Lauri says:

    I like this.
    Insecurities are used to control us. At my age I no longer have them and am therefore uncontrollable. It’s fun.

  4. […] sources: quantum fluctuations, Mooselicker (Wendy’s chomper), Archie dress scandal), Empty Kingdom (scrambly […]

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